
地球的圓周換算成頻率約為7.83赫茲,恰好人類的腦波也接近7.83赫茲,哺乳動物體內掌管記憶和生存的海馬體的頻率也約為7.83赫茲。 7.83赫茲因此被稱為大自然的腦波,是大地最原始的聲波,如果將其轉換成畫面,就好比地平線,越高頻的聲音就離地平線越遠,自然發出的低頻聲音則像倒影般分佈在地平線以下。
研究發現, 動植物們使用的聲音,人類能聽到的還不到10%,而不同的人(譬如老人與小孩),能聽到的聲音頻率範圍也不盡相同,因此我們所聽到的只是“城市聲音”的大合集裡極其微小的一部分。以7.83hz為出發點,我們捕捉城市中“非日常”但又觸手可及的聲音,可能是極其微小的,可能是通過不同介質傳播的,也可能是在城市化進程中逐漸“消逝”的,並將其重現,不改變聲音的本身,但使用一個新物質主義的聆聽方式:像他人、植物、動物、機械一樣感受聲音。
The circumference of the earth is converted into a frequency of about 7.83 Hz, which is close to human brain waves as well. The frequency of the hippocampus in mammals, which is responsible for memory and survival, is also about 7.83 Hz. Therefore, 7.83 Hz is called the brain wave of nature. It is the most primitive sound wave on earth. If it is converted into a picture, it is like the horizon. The higher the frequency, the farther from the horizon, and the low-frequency sound are like a reflection that is distributed below the horizon.
Studies have found that humans can hear less than 10% of the sounds used by animals and plants, and different people (such as the elderly and children) can hear different sound frequency ranges, so what we hear is Just a tiny fraction of the larger collection of “Urban Voices." Taking 7.83hz as the starting point, we capture the "unordinary” but accessible sounds in the city, which may be extremely weak, may be transmitted through different media, or may gradually "disappear" along with urbanization. We collected Tham and reproduce them, without changing the sounds themselves, but using a New Materialism way of listening: feeling the sound like the other people, plants, animals, and machines.

In the process of sound collection, we hope to capture more creative and more in line with the local characteristics of Shenzhen, in addition to the field recording. Through observation, we find that both the operation of society and the maintenance of personal life are very dependent on a variety of machinery and electrical appliances, especially in Shenzhen, which is known as the Silicon Valley of China and the core development direction of scientific and technological innovation. Human-machine interaction is happening every day. So we went to Huaqiangbei to buy inductors and audio cables, and made a self-made electromagnetic microphone. Then we held this recording device "born" in Shenzhen close to various large machines. Wearing headphones, we could hear the sound generated by the mechanical current pulse. Through electromagnetic recording equipment, we seem to enter another dimension of the sound world: Old or malfunctioning machines emit a fierce, heavy sound, laptops have the rhythmic sound of a modern techno, routers transmit a kind of Morse code, and electric taxis accelerate at a frequency so high it makes the hair stand on end, The soothing hum of some of the consoles in the game town contrasts sharply with the noisy environment in real life.
At the same time, as a public work of art, we welcome the public to participate in the sound collection stage remotely in order to divergent their thinking and understand the sound from a more multi-dimensional perspective. Through the publicity on social media, we have received contributions from citizens of different occupations and places.